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Tara, a female bodhisattva, is a prominent figure in Tibetan Buddhism and is often depicted in Thangka paintings. Her name means "star" in Sanskrit and represents a guiding light for those seeking enlightenment. Tara is revered as a symbol of compassion, protection, and enlightenment, and her various forms are associated with different qualities and aspects of Buddhist philosophy. Tara is considered a divine being that is able to transcend time and space and offer her blessings to all those who seek her guidance.

The symbolism in Thangka paintings of Tara is diverse and meaningful. One of the most frequently depicted forms of Tara is Green Tara, who embodies compassion and helps to alleviate fear and anxiety. The Green Tara is often depicted in a graceful posture, with her right leg extended, and her left leg bent beneath her. Green Tara's right hand is often depicted in the "fear-not" mudra, signifying her ability to dispel fear and offer protection. Her left hand is often shown holding a lotus flower, symbolizing purity and spiritual growth.

The White Tara is another commonly depicted form of Tara. She represents purity and is associated with longevity and healing. The White Tara is often depicted with seven eyes, symbolizing her vigilance and wisdom. She is usually depicted seated in a lotus position with her right hand in the mudra of giving and her left hand in the mudra of protection.

The Red Tara, associated with power and passion, is often depicted with a fierce expression symbolizing her ability to overcome obstacles and enemies. Her ability to bring transformation and help individuals overcome negative patterns and attachments makes her an important figure in Buddhist teachings.

Thangkas in Interior design. Gammas Art Gallery
Green Tara Tibetan Thangka Painting. Gammas Art Gallery




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