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Thangkas and Mandalas are rich in symbolism, and each element depicted in them has a deeper meaning. Here are some of the most common symbolic elements found in Thangkas and Mandalas:

  •     Colours: Each colour used in Thangkas and Mandalas has a specific meaning. For example, blue represents wisdom and healing, red symbolizes passion and transformation, and yellow represents knowledge and learning.

  •     Deities: The deities depicted in Thangkas and Mandalas represent different aspects of the enlightened mind, and they embody qualities that practitioners aim to cultivate in their own spiritual practice. For example, Avalokiteshvara, the Bodhisattva of compassion, represents compassion and kindness.

  •     Animals: Animals such as lions, elephants, and horses are often depicted in Thangkas and Mandalas and symbolize different qualities. For example, lions represent power and strength, while elephants symbolize wisdom and stability.

  •     Mandalas: Mandalas are circular designs that represent the universe and are used as visual aids in meditation. The center of the mandala is often occupied by a deity or a symbol of the enlightened mind, and the surrounding circles represent the different levels of consciousness.

  •     Lotus: The lotus flower is a common symbol in Thangkas and Mandalas and represents purity, spiritual growth, and enlightenment. It is often depicted as a central element in the composition.

  •     Mudras: Mudras are hand gestures used in Buddhist meditation and are often depicted in Thangkas and mandalas. Each mudra has a specific meaning and is associated with different aspects of the enlightened mind.

Overall, Thangkas and Mandalas are filled with rich symbolism that conveys spiritual concepts and teachings to practitioners. They serve as powerful visual aids in meditation and provide a window into the rich symbolism and philosophy of Tibetan Buddhism.

Mandala Symbolism & Thangka Symbolism. Gammas Art Gallery

جميع لوحاتنا تأتي من مسقط رأس ثانغكا الأصلي، وهو التبت ونيبال. اعتمادًا على حجم ونوعية التفاصيل، يمكن أن يستغرق إنشاء الثانغكا ما يصل إلى ثلاث سنوات. للحصول على لوحات عالية الجودة، غالبًا ما يستخدم الفنانون الذهب عيار 24 قيراطًا والفضة الاسترليني والمعادن الثمينة في جبال الهيمالايا

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